Monday, March 9, 2009

Green Valley 1st Ward Reunion‏

Dear Family,

Its the most stress free transfer I've had as a Zone Leader. We got there early and all ready just as the other missionaries were arriving...and guess who arrived. I got to see Elder Gabrielson. Mom is probably the only one who knows him because he's in my home ward. Elder Gabrielson and I are the only ones from the ward on missions and we just happen to be in the same mission, although we are on opposite sides of the mission, but we got to have a little chat which was nice. I got to see a lot of missionaries that I don't get to see very often and a couple of them are in my zone now. Two of the hardest working missionaries, Elders Roper and Carlson, both from Utah, are in the Stillwater zone.Things are going well, especially the weather. Its been great the last few days. Its suppose to get a little colder this week, but its starting to warm up...and so are my allergies. The past weekend I've sounded sick, which is annoying. Its a great impression to give people when sharing the gospel...hi, sniffle, I'm a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ...sniffle. I hate allergies, but its only a couple months of bad pollen and then I should be great!A couple Less-Active members are coming back to church now. We've been puting a lot more focus lately with less-actives in the ward and its begining to show some good. No investigators are coming to church...still. Soon though. The Anderson family is very promising. Very ready for the gospel.This week the Stake Presidency and our Mission President and some other missionaries are going to come to our area for an evening and we will all go on splits and visit inactives and investigators with the goal of getting us more people to teach. They did it last year with a different ward and through it and in time six baptisms came from it, so I'm excited. I wish there were as many missionaries as people we're going to have Tuesday night at a constant rate in every area. Missionary work would explode! Getting there...step by step.I hear some good news with a new baby soon! The family is going to be so different when I get home! I hope you feel well. Happy Birthday Natalie!

I love you all!
-Elder Osness

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