Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New investigators

Hey fam!

PICTURES- my new companion and I in the outskirts of Edmond (not a very good picture, I'll take another one, but I filled up my memory card.) The other two are at the Masonic Temple in Guthrie. The statue was cool so I got a picture with us around it and the theater one is way cool. Its just like in the movies and they still have plays there...only for Masons though. The tour guide played the organ for us and it sounded like the Phantom of the Opera. It has way good acoustics in there! This area is kind of hard, but its moving along. I've only been able to teach one of the investigators the area previously had, but good news We've gotten some great potentials in the last couple of weeks and three new investigators...soon to increase. The ward is coming together more in their missionary work and are becoming more and more willing and wanting to help. Its been great! The 4th of July was good. we didn't get to see any fireworks, but we went to a BBQ a a member's home with a bunch of the other ward members and we met an awesome family while tracting! Good things are happening hopefully they can turn to the best things.It's definately getting hot, but I already bought a camelbak, so no worries. Thanks for the packages filled with goodies, shirts, and the supplies.

Love ya!-Elder Osness

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