Wednesday, November 12, 2008

another to the household of God‏

Hey Family,

Well, the week went great! Yao Yu was baptized and confirmed a member this past weekend. Now to keep her strong and motivated in learning the gospel. She do great in progressing in the gospel. She is a very self propelled individual. You may be wondering what the picture is of the food in the pan. Well, I'll ask you; what is the strangest thing you have ever eaten...well, mine is a chinese norm. Yao Yu insisted she make us some chicken feet before she got baptized. I think her husband, Jay had something to do with it too. It wasn't the greatest food I've ever had...matter of fact, I'll probably avoid eating it the rest of my life, but its all about the experience, right?We also met with the Evans last week. They are are progressing, but at a much smaller rate than Yao Yu. Things are going well. This economy drop and election may make our job as missionaries more interesting. A few people may depart from a comfort zone they've grown so fond of and be tossed into a world of wonder. We'll see what kind of things begin to happen in the missionary life. Its great to hear from so many of you! Thanks for checking up on mom and my account Jeff. I liked seeing the family photos in the Japanese Tea Garden. Brings back great memories and its just a really cool place. Hope my new nephew is doing well. Sounds like the halloween parties were good fun, Natalie and Malissa. Those were some great decorative food ideas. I hope the world around doesn't have too much affect on the lives of yours back home. Good luck and God be with you!

I love you all!-Elder Onsess

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