Friday, December 12, 2008

6 Months here, 6 Months there‏

Mymymymy Family,

Today is freezing! Its been pretty nice the last few days, but then the wind blew in the chill...a high chance of snow even. Cool, huh.So, This transfer went way fast! Just as I thought it would. As you can see we had a great district and some good things happened this last transfer.One of which, you've already seen...the baptism of Yao Yu...and now Frankie's baptism. He'll be getting the priesthood next week, which is awesome!...too bad I won't be there for it.I'm getting transfered, but only a short step away. I'm headed about 20 minutes North to a Zone Leader. One other elder in the district is becoming a Zone Leader as well, so that's cool. There is one exciting point about being a Zone leader...and that is not being a District Leader. I don't have to plan District Meeting anymore! I feel my strength as a missionary isn't in meetings at all, but on a one-on-one basis. As a Zone Leader, I'll be doing that a lot more.Things are great and I feel like I've made somewhat of an impact for good in both the areas I've served in. Six months in Norman...and now cutting out of Edmond at six months. Just before Christmas too. Its nice to be in a familiar place for Christmas, but it will still be a great holiday. We'll see what happens next, as I experience more and more of the diferent aspects of missionary work.Thanks for the e-mails! Its great to hear how everyone is doing and how the holidays have been. Good luck out there in the real world!

Love Ya! -Elder Osness

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