Wednesday, July 29, 2009

And that bike got Stole!

Dear family, Pictures: We had a meeting for the trainers on Wedensday, so I got to see a couple of the Elders I came out with; Elders Torres and Lewis.The next is of some of my mission posterity; Elders Baker, Kleinman, and Jensen. The Last is of some delicious bbq pizza we made for lunch today.The trainer meeting was good. It was kind of like an accountability meeting for us trainers. Not much training went on, but it was good. Elder Baker and I are doing pretty good.On Friday we had our President's interviews. It was the usual, "how are you doing...I don't really have much to say. No worries, keep it up," kind of thing. The highlight of events though happened Sunday morning when we opened the front door to go to our corrilation meeting with our ward mission leader to see my bike was stolen! Ough! We keep our bikes under the staircase that is completely covered on all sides and no way to tell that there is something behind there unless you look specifically there...and the bedroom window is right next to it, so I don't know how I didn't notice something like that going on in the middle of the night. I guess I'm a heavier sleeper than I thought. It hasn't really hit me yet that my bike is gone, but its pretty lamo. Hopefully a missionary about my size left a bike when he went home, so I can just continue its use for another five months. Cool, huh? Luckely President Gee hasn't let me go to an area without a car, so we have some transportation. Still lame though.We're still teaching some great people! I'm hoping we prepare them all for baptism. During our weekly planning we were going through the people we're teaching and I'm hoping that we can help this area get a baptism every month...especially since they haven't had one 14 months. Katelyn is still on track for August and hopefully we can set a date for Arlyn for September and continue progress with the others we are teaching and continue finding new people to teach. This week we taught a new guy. His name is Doug and is studying Law at OU and knows a member from Norman 2nd ward. We talked to him about two weeks ago and was just able to teach him. He's been reading the Book of Mormon and shared some of the scriptures he said have inspired him along with some he had concerns with, but accepted them. He's pretty great! Our example will have a powerful influence on the lives of others. This is true because of the member in Norman 2nd ward. Brother Hale was an example of what Doug would like to have in his life. An inner joy and satisfaction and always seemed to be happy with he was content and happy and needed nothing more than that which he already has. This is because, something Doug didn't know, the knowledge of Gods plan and purpose for us can do more than any worldly desire of success. Back to the good example Brother Hale is, Doug had some concerns in the Book of Mormon and because of what friendship and sincerity he showed him he knew those passages had to have some other reason for being in there and wasn't a negative aspect of the gospel (one of the scriptures of concern is early on when the Lamanite's skin color was altered as a marking to set them apart from the righteous). His concerns were answered by the spirit and not by and logical discussion because he was humble.Anyway, I've got to go. Oh, and by the way, I'm not sure who was planning on sending a couple short sleeve shirts, but they haven't arrived and I'm really begining to wear through the ones I have now...really, wearing through them.Love Ya! -Elder Glenn Osness

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