Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My WorkHorse‏

My family, Last week we had Zone Conference and I got another bike. Its Elder Roper's bike and that thing has been ran nearly as far as it could possibly go. Elder Roper finished his two years in July and left his bike, lucky me, because now I have something to ride for free. Although its kind of like riding a horse. During this bike's two year treck its been riden nearly every day by a 220 lb. football player, with a few busted and repaired spokes, and a car accident later it fell into my hands...ha! The bike is awesome, but I am glad its only for the end of my mission and not from the begining. The rim's spokes are in tact, but from getting hit by a car both rims are bent and wobbly, hence like riding a horse. No back brakes and some sketchy front brakes make this cruiser a dream. I'm pretty glad to be back on the bikes though, so we can be more productive in the work.The zone conference was good. We had some good trainings on commitment to pray and asking good questions. The most inspiring things though come from the discussions President Gee gives. Our focus doctrine for the transfer is faith and every zone conference President Gee leads a discussion on whatever the topic is and its always great to hear his insights. Faith is pretty simple right, well the great thing about the gospel is the expanse of knowledge that comes from a simple topic.The week was okay. We had a ton of failed appointments and cancelations, so last weeks teaching pool was lamo. Being a missionary has a couple interesting factors; people open up very easily to us 19-21 year olds and many think that they cannot learn anything from a 19-21 year old. Last week was the most occurance of both of these that I've had my entire mission. Either people wouldn't get our purpose and would just want to tell us all the bad things that are going on in their lives or they would tell us all the knowledge they've gained through their experience and age and disagree with us simply because they have much more life experience...what they missed was their life experience and age is outside the fulness of the gospel and our sense of experience and life comes from someone greater and more experienced...namely God. Through faith, prayer and living gospel principles we have much more positive experience than any of these people that are closed to a more excellent way.Well, that's how great my week was. Love ya! -Elder Osness

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