Monday, October 12, 2009

Miracles Never Cease‏

Dear Parents and Families,

We hope you had a wonderful weekend enjoying the conference sessions, as did the missionaries serving here. One of our sisters kind of summed it up when she said, "Every talk was for me." It is a miracle that answers to questions and encouragement to face challenges can come uniquely to everyone by the same talks. There was great enthusiasm for Elder Hollands powerful testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. One sister said she loved Elder Anderson's talk about the open arms of the Savior and his love for everyone.I'm sure you will enjoy hearing from your own missionary about the things that were especially meaningful to him or her. As for me, I loved it all. I feel like I get to go to heaven for a few hours. The subdued music spoke to my soul, especially "O Divine Redeemer." When Elder Holland was "speaking with the tongue of an angel," I was so excited to think I am a missionary and part of spreading the good news.

We are thinking a lot about miracles here in the mission. They are happening all the time. Most of them are ordinary miracles, not the sensational kind. We keep hearing accounts of praying over where to go and what happens as a result. The most recent one I heard was that a companionship prayed to know where to go and there was not a common street in the answers they received. However, two streets were close to each other so they decided to go there. After about an hour of fruitless tracting they decided to check on a less-active member they had never met. The man was home and let them in. He had been in a bicycle accident and needed some help around the house. As the Elders drove away they realized the man's address was exactly between the two streets they had decided to tract. Those things are happening constantly.
Another kind of humerous thing happened at a baptism. A man showed up to get ready for his baptism about an hour early. To the horror of the Elders, the jumpsuit that fit him was nowhere to be found. They searched and found a pair of white trousers that would fit, but there was no white shirt. People were coming and they were running out of time. They walked through the halls of the church, trying to decide what to do. A stake leader just happened to be in the church at that time. The Elders asked him if he had any idea where they could find a white shirt. He smiled and said he had just picked up his laundry from the cleaners and he had a white shirt they could use. Now I ask you--was that coincidence?? It was absolutely another miracle.

Maybe the greatest miracle is the army of missionaries that comes in wave after wave after wave. When I consider how difficult missionary life is, how they are required to forget their own comfort and desires, and how in the general population this age is probably the most self-centered time of life, it is amazing that there is a generation willing to do this work. We just welcomed eight more Elders and Sisters last week. President Gee and I are so pleased with their preparation and potential. They have a great spirit about them. We are excited to get to know them better in the months ahead. All of the missionaries are a living testimony that this work is truly the work of the Lord.

For your information: We got a memo from the missionary committee about the flu shots a day or two ago. We will be making some decisions with our mission doctor about what we need to do. They are recommending that we find a way for the missionaries to at least get the seasonal flu shot. The cost will be paid by the families. In the meantime, they are saying to tell the missionaries to stop shaking hands, to use hand sanitizer, and to wash hands constantly. It will be interesting to see what creative substitutes they come up with for shaking hands. We still have a few who are sick, but I think your prayers for our immune systems are helping. Please continue.

May you all be blessed this coming week, and we hope you have great joy because of the service your loved one is giving to the Lord. My testimony of the power of united prayer is growing constantly. Thank you for your love and support. Love, Sister Gee

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