Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The good and the bad...oppostion in all things


Well it sounds like most everyone is doing well. A few stresses here and there, but I hope everything turns out good. (Natalie's surgery and Heather's family). The Mormon Anniversary stuff in San Fran seemed pretty cool. We know that with every good moment there is bad somewhere and with all the bad, the goodness of God will be around. Something I learned in the MTC is to cherish the hard times because those are the times that make the good times all the better. And its really true. We really don't know how good it is until there is something worse that confronts us. Lucky for me, the times have been pretty good this past week. The weather took a turn. Its been cloudy ever since the new missionaries arrived. Yesterday, there was a light mist...all day. It was awesome! The last few days have been between 70-95 degrees. Other than the weather and the overall enjoyment of being a missionary...nothing has happened. We've only taught a few lessons and no progressing investigators. We haven't been able to make contact with Andres (Baptism Date) since we set the date and our other great families we're teaching...still haven't come to church, but they will. There is good in everything. Its up to us to find it.So, speaking about the new missionaries...I'm training one of them. His name is Elder Kleinman and Music Theater is his life, if that can give you a picture of his personality. He's pretty cool...your typical drama student, but he loves athletics too. It hasn't been bad training. I think the only stress of it comes from the title "trainer," the actual work isn't different. Things are pretty good out here and hopefully more and more people accept the gospel.The pictures are of me and my greenie out enjoying the great proselyting weather in Edmond.

Love you all!

-Elder Glenn Onsess

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