Wednesday, February 4, 2009

AP Exchange‏

Dear Familia,

Well, its a short week between e-mails...last Wednesday to Monday. These past few weeks have gotten all messed up because of the ice storm. We had to change a meeting and switch around a few exchanges we're going much for planning ahead. So, last week p-day was late and now its early because of the meeting changed to tomorrow, but its all working out. Last week we had an exchange with the assistants and I got to experience just a portion of their responsibilities. The only time we prosylited was after our dinner appointment, but it was a great lesson! Most of the day was taken up by helping a senior missionary couple move to their new appartment and on the way to our dinner appointment we tried to see a less-active, who wasn't home, but it was a good exchange still. I learned a lot about helping other missionaries fulfill their purpose.The biggest issue our zone has right now is talking to people. They don't do it, so they don't teach as much and don't get any new investigators as a consiquence and that means if nobody is investigating then they sure won't be baptizing. Elder Medina and I are trying to come up with a good practice for Zone Conference to inspire our zone. Hopefully I can fill the mantle. It just takes a lot of diligence and hard work. Sometimes it can be a little stressful trying to help district leaders inspire their districts and help the needs of the area as well, but I'm getting the hang of things. Elder Medina and I are doing well, I think.I really like being of some influence for other missionaries. Being a zone leader is a good calling for me. That and missionary trainer.So, are you excited for the warm weather to come back. I'm sure ready. It will be great when its nice and warm. I'm trying to remember if Roger and Jeff's birthdays are soon...I'm thinking,yes, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I wish I could be there for these great events, but I not. Just putting around out here in Okamoka. ;)

Love You Family!-Elder Osness

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