Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Oh Promising Edmond‏

Dear Family,

This past week was great! The most success we've had in a while with our area. Missionaries haven't spent any time in the Edmond portion of our area in a long time and so Elder Medina and I have been spending about an hour or two in Edmond just before we go to a dinner appointment because that is where most of the members in our ward live, so we're down there usually four times a week and out of the 30 or so houses we've knocked on we have two investigators and six potential investigators and they are more promising than all of our work in Guthrie. Its great for the members too because its easier for them to fellowship when its that close. A sister in the ward, Sister Wendelboe, came with us to an appointment we had there, in Edmond, for the Anderson family and she was a great asset. We were only able to teach Sam, the mother, but I think it was good that way because Sister Wendelboe was able to build a bond with her and we have another appointment and hopefully we'll be able to teach the whole Anderson family. Sam and Chuck have five kids and they are a great family! Yesterday was good too. We got three new investigators in the morning by tracting. The lesson could have been better, but they seem promising. Things are going really well. Thanks for the e-mails and updates! And thanks, Malissa, for the Valentine's package!

Love ya!

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