Tuesday, April 7, 2009

recovery and conference‏

Dear Family,

This past week was pretty unsatisfying. I was sick the entire week and because of that, we only did a limitted amount of work, but yesterday I began to feel more of my regular self and today I feel pretty good, so I think I'm back to hard working status. Well, I've got to give a shout out to the Gublers because they all wrote me...and as a missionary...made my day! Thanks Nancy, Randy, Marley, Ingrid, Ian, and Lizzie.Confrence was great! I really got a lot out of it. I really liked President Uchtdorf's talk and comparison to the little light that caused a major destraction and a severe downfall. Don't loose sight of the important things when little things bump your path. I also really like President Eyrings talk on leave no one behind. Do what it takes to lift those that are loosing. Go after the lost sheep. Those were my favorite. I always get excited to hear them speak. President Monson is a real and true prophet and his words were a testimony to me the whole time. The biggest thing I love about conference is the connection I feel with the new testiment epistles and the guidance we receive from our modern Apostles. The words are exactly the same. Testimonies of God and Jesus with council and guidance from their earthly mouthpiece. If people could have open hearts and understanding of the scriptures, they would know instantly of the truth we share.Its great to know we don't have to worry about all the little worries of the world with the truth and knowledge we have. Its a real blessing to be apart of this family and to live this truth God has given us. I love you!

-Elder Osness

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