Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Motivation on Movies‏

Well, Hello Family,

Pictures: We went to the temple again this morning. Its nice to be so close. The dog poop sign was on the mail door at Quailcreek elders apartment. And another sunsent in Oklahoma that you can't capture on a camera. Well, we had a good couple visits this week. A couple of our appointments were movie visits. We watched The Testiments with Stan and his wife and it seemed to give them more desire to read from the Book of Mormon. Its a really good video; one of the few that are updated beyond the 90's. We also watched, with Max, Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration. That movie is really good! It really expresses Joseph's life well and the spirit is really strong. It gave Max more courage to come to church and am sure his testimony is stronger from it. Its really encouraging to go out and share the gospel too, except for one part makes me think of home. There is a little girl in the movie that kind of looks like Jessie, then I'm just like, man I want to go see my family for a while, but luckely the movie keeps going and I just want to be a missionary and help others find the truth and light of the gospel. I went on a couple exchanges this past week, which were good. Both with very good missionaries, that are feeling less motivated than usual. Its hard to inspire missionaries sometimes, I think I gave a little boost to their system...I hope. They both have the understanding and personality to be leaders in the mission, but need to step up a little.Hey, I just thought of something that could be fun to get in the mail. With my digital screen I can view pictures and videos from memory cards and usb connections. So, my thoughts are, you can use a memory card to send videos of the family, like an upgrade from the voice recorder and tapes to video mail. just a thought.Things are good. Next week we find out what transfers have in store this time. Love ya! -Elder Osness

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